Hope you had a great time of celebration over the last several weeks during the holidays with family and friends! Now that the new year is upon us, like most people, you’re probably looking at trying to have a personal reset, a time of a new start and already we’re plugging right into January heading toward February! Out with the old and in with the new. Time for some New Years Resolutions, right?
The last New Years Resolution that I made was to not make any. If there was something in my life that I wanted to restart, or change, why wait until the new year, why not work on it as soon as I think about it? True, but there is something about the new year.
Top Resolutions for 2025
According to Statista the top resolution is saving money! Then it’s eating healthier, exercising more, losing weight and followed by spending more time with family, quitting smoking and reduce spending on living expenses. I guess I’m not alone as 43% of us aren’t making a resolution!
As I look at this chart, I think that as a bed and breakfast, we can help you in many of these areas! To start with the first one of which is saving money, we offer a lower nightly rate when you stay two or more nights. Periodically we may offer specials, but you should like us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned in for any promotions we may offer. Eating healthier is the number 2 item on the list. When Pat prepares her breakfasts, she makes most things from scratch and tries to utilize local products for the ingredients. As a former nurse, healthy foods are always on her mind! With the proportions she serves, many guests have said that they skip lunch! Eating less and saving money!
There are many options for watching what you eat, to eat healthier and/or to lose weight, but me, the fat guy telling you is like me writing a blog about food and recipes (oh, I did that in the last blog!). I can refer you to Weight Watchers as I’ve been taking the Weight Watcher pills, you know, the little colored chocolate candies that have the “W” on them? Most people see an “M”, but I see a “W”. They haven’t worked, but they sure are good! There are other programs available as well. Our church previously did a Daniel Fast, which is a 21 day fast based on the book of Daniel in the Bible. It was actually beneficial. There’s also a Keto Diet, which I’ve heard about, but never tried (looking at the web site, maybe I should!). I know that there are many other options which as I have previously inferred, I am no expert by any means, so don’t take advice from an old fat guy… maybe the Weight Watcher pills would work for you!?
Exercise more. OK, we don’t have an exercise room, however, I have recently signed up for my 23rd year of riding the Escape to the Lake MS Ride, so I’ll need to get out on the bike to train, so bring a bike and join me on a training ride! (You could also join our team to encourage you to ride!). We also have plenty of hiking trails in the area as well, such as
North Country Trail
McConnell’s Mill State Park, Moraine State Park and the North Country Trail which actually goes through McConnell’s Mill and Moraine State Park (4800 miles through 8 states!). There are also local county parks nearby with trails as well… plenty of opportunities!
Have you had one of Pat’s breakfasts? Ask any of our previous guests and they’ll likely tell you that you get a good bang for your buck! Eating healthy and exercise should help with the 4th top resolution of losing weight!
I have to share something from a friend, who we met as her and her husband have been regular returning guests. She has become a coach of sorts and has posted many pictures on her FaceBook page of people that she has helped. They all are looking pretty good!
So, Coach Jenn states. “So how do you go about making a plan or more importantly sticking to it?” Here’s a few quick tips to start:
- Start small. While you may have big a big goal, break it down into “bite-size” steps.
- Drink water. At least eight 8 oz. glasses a day (work up to 10-12).
- Be mindful of what you are eating. Use a smaller plate and gravitate towards proteins and veggies.
- Walk at least 30 minutes a day. Even if it is up and down your steps for 5 minutes, six times a day.
- Give yourself grace. New habits take time to form and old habits are hard to break. I (Jenn) keep a photo of the “old me” and the new “improved” me close by as a constant reminder.
Small steps add up to big results, but you have to be committed to the process. I (Jenn) needed a coach like me (Jenn) to help me get there. For more tips or info you can connect with Jenn on Facebook. And remember, no matter how hard you try, you can’t outrun your fork!
So now let’s talk about the 5th top resolution, more time with family or friends. How can
Family Reunion
we help there? It’s simple. We have the Event Room which will hold about 70 people and an outdoor patio/area that is perfect for a family reunion or a gathering of lifelong friends. Add this to our 5 rooms (we can sleep uo to about 20 people) and you have the perfect spot for families or friends getting together and just hanging out on 9 acres of property, utilizing the fire pit, the patio and plenty of space for yard games or other activities. Plan a day to visit nearby Pittsburgh, Youngstown, OH, or go for Amish Tour or many places in between!
Bottom line… Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!